The Fit for Funding programme is designed to review a small to medium sized partner non-government organisation (NGO) or community-based organisation (CBO), funded by a UK/EU based organisation. It will build their organisational and individual staff capacity and, crucially, make them more ‘fit’ to attract external funding and become more sustainable.

The programme provides support and challenge, giving time to think and reflect on the issues of funding, sustainability and financial management. It is especially appropriate when coming towards the end of a funding partnership where it is important to leave a partner ‘fit’ for the future.

Each of the Fit for Funding programme aspects can be delivered as a consultancy visit, a training event, or coaching for an individual or a team.

There are three main focuses of the programme designed for your partners:

Fit for…funding?

When is it appropriate?

  • When your partner wants to approach new external donors
  • Where funding has already been refused due to poor internal systems and processes

What are the benefits?

  • Robust management systems that stand up to external donor scrutiny
  • Improved funding prospects through building organisational and individual capacity

Fit for…future sustainability?

When is it appropriate?

  • As part of a donor ‘exit strategy’
  • When funding is reliant on only one or two external donors

What are the benefits?

  • Rigorous operating models that are fit for our challenging economic times
  • Being confident to approach donors with a winning funding proposal

Fit for…financial management?

When is it appropriate?

  • When struggling to maintain, and make good use of financial information
  • If needing to report to donors and others on a regular basis

What are the benefits?

  • Improved programme quality underpinned by robust financial systems
  • Empowered staff and trustees to optimise financial information and resources

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