• NEW: Cross-Cultural Organizational and Financial Training,

    Do you want to engage with people from cultures other than your own in your training events? Are you looking to deliver training that is memorable and transformative? Do you want all your participants to be fully committed to the learning process? Are you new to delivering online training and want to know more?

    Trainers entering new cultures can find it difficult to build rapport, and to deliver sessions that are culturally appropriate. Participants may be not be using their first language to learn. All these questions can be challenging. However, training cross-culturally offers great opportunities to find ways of learning.

    Cross-Cultural Organizational and Financial Training offers a clear and accessible way of designing, planning, delivering, and evaluating, when training across cultures. It suggests participatory approaches to training and learning which can be most effective cross-culturally.

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  • Building Financial Management Capacity for NGOs and Community Organizations, 2nd edition,

    This book presents practical ways to build financial management capacity in an international development context, although much of it applies to any non-profit organization. It gives examples of how groups and organizations build their own capacity. It considers what leadership teams can do to guide their organization’s longer-term direction and improve governance and it describes other financial management aspects that can be built into an organization’s structure to make it more sustainable.

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  • Basic Accounting for Community Organizations and Small Groups: a practical guide, 3rd edition with facilitator's/training guide,

    The success of any venture, whatever its size, depends on proper financial control. This book offers a step-by-step guide to basic accounting and financial management techniques. It is written in plain language for people who have no previous experience of accounting and book-keeping. Full solutions and notes for trainers and facilitators are also included.

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  • Project Budgeting - Bond 'How to' guide,

    The guide introduces you to the main issues of project budgeting and gives you a simple process to follow to get started.

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  • Communicating financial management with non-finance people,

    Many non-finance people find numbers and financial techniques difficult, and some just give up or expect someone else to handle them. However, NGO managers and other staff are responsible for sound financial management and without full understanding their programmes will be at best less effective, and at worst vulnerable to going unfunded. Poor communication about financial information, by both finance and non-finance people, often seems to cause a block.

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  • Basic Accounting for Small Groups,

    Updated edition of Oxfam’s step-by-step guide to basic accounting and financial management techniques.

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  • Financial Management for Development,

    Written for non-financial staff and members of governing bodies of NGOs, who need to understand financial systems and statements. This book shows records and statements used within organisations and how these can be interpreted.

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  • Financial Management for Emergencies

    This on-line guide will help humanitarian programme managers manage financial resources in the critical first stages of an emergency.

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